• 9810940291, 8383022912
  • Delhi

Model No. 100 UOC

Maintenance Free and Multi Oil Filteration Machine. 100 LPS

Model No. 1000 UOC

Maintenance Free and Multi Oil Filteration Machine. 600 LPS

Universal Oil Filteration System

Universal Oil Company [UOC], Established in the year 2005 a Proprietorship Company was formed in India. UOC does oil filtration on-line in a by-pass mode for all machines having hydraulic oil. Our process ensures that the pressures and flow rate of the systems are not disturbed. In these 8 years, we have been operating at the Tata Steel plant at Jamshedpur among others, on the machines where the oil is being filtered by us, the machine parts immersed in oil were found to be as good as new, which has meant no machine downtime nor any part replacement. Our various oil filtration services.

India Mart Catalogue


Universal Oil Company

UOC is Manufacturing best Industrial Oil Filters Machine and providing it across the world. We have the potential to change Industrial Oil Markets.

This project is based upon conservation of energy, especially oil, by Recycling o Super-Clean levels and Management of System. Oil 1s the bloodline or all svstems and equipment, and has to be Kept very clean. Oil IS being depleted form the earth, and after 10 to 15 generations, very little oil will De left.

Conservation of oil has the following major benefits: To leave precious resources to future generations, using expertise and advanced technology relevant to the environment and ecologv, and to preserve the natural environment and realize the creaton of new combination or social and living environments.

Oil used for an indelinite period: 

1. Recycling of oil by filtration removes contamination and makes it as good as new oil at half the price. The oil may be darker than new oil. but its properties are similar to new oil, you may find an improvement in flash point, the point at which the oil will ignite

2. By not throwing Oil on the ground and in rivers, pollution of air water and ground is controlled 

3. Make any country self- sufficient In OIl- for its OWn nanona security; any country can become self sufficient in a short period by recycling oil in all major systems and equiment are used in that country.


The sources of contamination in Turbine and Hydraulic system can be divided into 3 general categories . 

1.Built-in contamination

2. Ingressed contamination


Equipment of any kind are assets of a company. By pro-Longing their lite, the company Is managing its assets property. 

New oil. (i.e. fresh oil from a drum) is highly with particles that are not visible to the naked eye. 

These particle cannot be seen by the naked eye. Large contaminants are filtered at the blending plants, but fine particles go thought the filters and blend with the oil. 

PROBLEMS: Modern Hydraulic systems are highly sophisticated. Failures these hydraulc systems can affect machine performance and productivity duely.

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